Spring into Simplicity

I assure you that I am not pregnant, but boy do i have a case of "nesting!" With spring finally upon us, combined with feeling a figurative weight needing lifted from my shoulders, I have spent nearly ten hours organizing and purging the closets and cabinets in my home.
  • Broken jewelry I've held onto for years with the intention of fixing it? In the garbage!
  • Clothes that I might "one day" fit into again? Donated!
  • Excess decor that I am tired of dusting? Garage sale pile!
  • Artwork my kids have made? A few special ones in a keepsake box and it's "Bye Felicia" to the rest!
The list goes on and on! The heavier the boxes of donations and garage sale items got, the lighter I began to feel and then it dawned on me why:
  • Less stuff = Less work
  • Less expense = More money
  • Less quantity = More quality
  • More time = More joy
  • LESS really does = MORE!!!
You guys, I have spent so loooong feeling like I needed to be more organized when in reality I just needed less stuff! Try it for yourself by tackling one room a day and see if you don't feel the same kind of freedom that I do. Here are eight great questions to ask yourself and to use as your purging guideline:
  1. Have I used, worn, or read this within the last year? - You definitely don't need all of those old magazines and mismatched socks!
  2. If I were shopping right now would I buy this? - Be honest and choose quality over quantity.
  3. Am I only holding onto this item because I don't want to waste the money? - You wouldn't believe the amount of hair care products I was holding onto for curly hair when my own hair is stick straight! 💁
  4. Am I keeping this because of sentimental reason? This can be a tough one but keep a few of your faves and store the rest in your heart. A great idea for kids artwork or letters is to create a Shutterfly book. It'll be much more organized and better preserved that way. (For a FREE 8x8 photo book, use promo code: BOOK4SPRING.)
  5. Do I have a similar item that serves the same purpose? - Let's be real, how many Tupperware bowls does one family need?
  6. Do I have a realistic plan to use this? - Give yourself a time frame to use it within, and if it doesn't happen get it out of there! (Replace those outdated pieces of jewelry with something new from Gym Bella. FB message us with the code SIMPLIFY for 20% off one item. Expires: 6/1/2018)
  7. Am I holding onto this broken item to fix it in the future? - This was probably the most therapeutic for me. Getting rid of a broken watch or chipped coffee mug left me feeling more put together myself somehow. 
  8. Does it fit me or within my living space? - Get rid of it and treat yourself to something new when you hit that goal weight instead!
Now the trick is to not accumulate more junk in place of what you just threw out. When I'm shopping I always try to remember something my mom taught me in my early twenties: You will never love something more than you do in the store so if you only kind of like it, don't take it home with you. 

Your home should be a living space, not a storage space. Minimalism is where it's at, y'all!

Do you have tips and tricks for simple living and keeping an organized home? I'd love to hear them! Please share them in a comment!


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